vendredi 14 juin 2019

Macron (international labor organization) as Edouard Philippe #DirectAN spit on #FridaysForFuture youth and continue their destruction of the Earth and slavery of Africa

By Julie Amadis
with Yanick Toutain

Macron (international labor organization) as Edouard Philippe #DirectAN spit on #FridaysForFuture youth and continue their destruction of the Earth and slavery of Africa

On the 43rd Friday of Fridays For Future, the day young people all over the world are demonstrating to save the Earth, Emmanuel Macron's speech to the ILO uses the word "youth" only once.

    Our fellow citizens want more sense, more proximity and more humanity. I believe they are ready to grasp the current transformations: they see them, they understand them, they live them. Our youth sometimes understands it better than we, who on the subject of climate for example urges us, imperious, to act faster and stronger and she is right . But we may have sometimes built good answers too far from our fellow citizens or considering that there were knowledgeable and underrated and I think it was a fundamental mistake President Emmanuel Macron's speech at the ILO headquarters in Geneva on the 11th of June 2019

The youth does not push him, Emmanuel Macron to act for the planet, he took no real action to save the climate. France, an ecological criminal country that should pay € 82 billion in Carbon Rationing Tickets to Africans, because of its surplus carbon emissions, not only does not pay them but also aggravates every day the destruction of the Earth by letting polluters pollute as much as they want.

And we do not find in Macron's speech once the word "carbon".
His speech at the ILO was once again a shambles, used to bait the naive, serving to hide that he is in fact the representative of the worst ecological criminals.
The French are no longer fooled by his hypocritical "good thinking" speeches. Indeed, they see in everyday life the result of Macron's policy. More and more French people can no longer treat themselves, - public services that disappear - more and more French people are sleeping on the streets - homeless people who are dying in the open air because Philippe left 10% of empty dwellings for the real estate speculations of his friends in Le Havre ..... by generalizing this real estate crime to all France etc

the following in English :

Macron (international labor organization) as Edouard Philippe #DirectAN spit on #FridaysForFuture youth and continue their destruction of the Earth and slavery of Africa


In french :

Macron #OIT comme Edouard Philippe #DirectAN crachent sur la jeunesse #FridaysForFuture et poursuivent leur destruction de la Terre et l'esclavage de l'Afrique

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