jeudi 13 octobre 2022

Greta Thunberg refuses the closure of nuclear power plants! She continues her betrayal of the ecological fight #FridaysForFuture “If (these nuclear power plants) are already in operation, I think it would be a mistake to close them to return to coal”


By Julie Amadis
with Yanick Toutain
October 13, 2022

Greta Thunberg refuses the closure of nuclear power plants! She continues her betrayal of the ecological fight #FridaysForFuture “If (these nuclear power plants) are already in operation, I think it would be a mistake to close them to return to coal”

When 15-year-old Greta Thunberg in November 2018 launched the school strike for the climate, she was the spearhead of the young main members of the Innovators strata against the adults of the despoiling classes who are destroying the Earth. It became the beacon of the strata's struggle to save the planet.
But from the beginning, the worm was in the fruit: refusal of the humanocracy of Rosa Luxemburg and Alexandra Kollontaï, refusal of the real carbon tax - the #PolluéPayé carbon ration tickets.

Four years later, she is 19 and her original social class, despoiling Formois, has brought her back to the fold of her Formois family – the Thieves of the Africans.
Greta Thunberg in 2022 is just one more political representative of the despoiling classes. It speaks for those who live on more than the average disposable income for each person on earth. Those who want to continue consuming so much while hiding their ecological crime.

One could consider that the Greta Thunberg of the imperialist formalism killed the Greta Thunberg of the Innovator stratum. A despoiling sociological crime. The exact opposite of the sociological suicide advocated by the great Amilcar Cabral 

Greta Thunberg said during the German program Maischberger of the public channel Das Erste in an excerpt appeared on a delayed basis this Wednesday, October 12.

“If [these plants] are already in operation, I think it would be a mistake to close them to return to coal”, she assured, in a video extract unveiled before the broadcast of the broadcast, this Wednesday, October 12 in the evening. Previously, she had previously explained that she thought it was a “really bad idea to focus on coal”.


 However, only 9.8% of the electricity produced in the world comes from nuclear reactors.

Greta Thunberg, who has made herself known as being at the forefront of all studies on ecology, would therefore not have read the version of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022 (WNISR)?

"The fact remains that in 2021, only 9.8% of the electricity produced in the world came from nuclear reactors. A first: for forty years, never before has the share of nuclear electricity produced on a global scale been so small in the global energy mix.Another unprecedented fact, which is a direct corollary to it: in 2021, more than 10% of the world's electricity was supplied jointly by solar and wind infrastructures, the contribution to the energy mix of these renewable energies not hydraulics exceeding for the first time that of nuclear power." Reporterre

It is therefore possible to do without nuclear power and without coal!

But she Greta Thunberg, she has the support of the most criminal ecological bourgeoisie politicians, starting with Friedrich Merz, leader of the conservative opposition, chairman of Merkel's German conservative CDU party 

Because on the German political scene, his words did not go unnoticed. Friedrich Merz, leader of the conservative opposition, notably quoted the young woman, to support his request for an extension of the atom “at least until the end of the year 2024”. For him, such a measure is “indispensable” to limit the rise in energy prices. International mail

What a shipwreck, what a humanist suicide!!! This courageous young person has become a spokesperson for the Parasite stratum who want to profit from life by destroying the Earth!

Greta Thunberg propaganda killer energy. In addition to the risks of explosion like Chernobyl or Fukushima, the waste from power plants buried underground destroys all biodiversity for generations and generations.

In addition, the report points out that  "  nuclear power plants can release large quantities of radioactive substances in the event of an accident  "  and that  "  destruction in time of war would lead to similar consequences  " . Not to mention the fact that  "  every nuclear power plant generates, during its operation, plutonium that can be used as a [nuclear] weapon  " . Reporterre

Since 2018, we have constantly sent her messages both to call on young people to self-organize as revocable delegates #1for25 and to campaign in favor of polluted Africans for the application of the principle #PollueurPayeur #PolluéPayé and #TicketsRationnementCarbone 1.8 kg per day per Earthling.

She has never considered a single one of our advice, preferring to indulge herself in the assemblies of the world bourgeoisie.

 Greta Thunberg kept going to her right. 

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