lundi 14 octobre 2019

On the 32nd anniversary of his assassination, Thomas Sankara's program is still not applied! Urgent: building CDR-CNR all over Africa

By Julie Amadis
with Yanick Toutain

On October 15, 1987, 32 years ago, Thomas Sankara was murdered by auxiliaries of France in Africa-USAfric, plotters Chirac, Mitterrand, CIA, Houphouet-Boigny, Gaddafi, Charles Taylor (released specially by the White House), Blaise Compaoré, Djibril Bassolé, Gilbert Diendiéré etc ....
But to kill Thomas Sankara, to kill the one who uttered the DOP programmatic speech and called for building the CDRs (Revolutionary Defense Committees) was not enough. It was also necessary to kill the memory of the DOP program, to kill the memory of the revolutionary CDR institutions and thus to kill the memory of the general status of the CDRs.

If CDRs had been set up as early as March 2012 in Mali, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire, the 4th war against Africa would have been defeated 7 years ago and the GSIM ANsardine terrorists would not be in the process of destroy Burkina Faso to allow France-Africa to fully invade the country.

Why CDR Historically, you know that nothing is more false than to say that CDRs were created after 4 August 1983.

The CDRs were created with the first shots fired here.

The CDRs were created on August 4, 1983, precisely.
[Applause] The CDRs were born dialectically at the same time as the revolution in Burkina Faso.
[Applause] Because, at the very moment when we uttered the word revolution in this country, the need to defend it has been felt and whoever speaks of revolution without taking steps to protect this revolution is making a serious mistake and disregards the ability to fight, the ability to destroy the reaction.
For our part, we invited the people on the night of August 4, to be constituted everywhere in committees of defense of the revolution because we did not have any illusion: the revolution was going to be attacked.
She was, she is, and she will be.
So the Revolutionary Defense Committees have been, are, and will be.
[Applause] Nothing that has been done positively under the revolution has been achieved without the CDRs. "   Thomas Sankara April 4, 1986 "There are not two Burkina Faso, there is only one Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso CDR, it starts with the CDR and ends with the CDR" Thomas Sankara 1986

On the 32nd anniversary of his assassination, Thomas Sankara's program is still not applied! Urgent: building CDR-CNR all over Africa


Au 32° anniversaire de son assassinat, le programme de Thomas Sankara n'est toujours pas appliqué ! Urgent : construire des CDR-CNR dans toute l'Afrique

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