samedi 26 février 2022

Russia Ukraine NATO War: Turn war into revolution so that 60 Million Russian delegates appoint 2.4 Million Basis Delegates #1for25 All Power to the Soviets of revocable delegates

By Julie Amadis
February 25, 2022

edited by Yanick Toutain

 Russia Ukraine NATO War: Turn war into revolution so that 60 Million Russian delegates appoint 2.4 Million Basis Delegates
#1for25 All Power to the Soviets of revocable delegates

NATO, which for years has been waging a low-intensity war from Ukraine against Russia  since 2014, announces preparations for open war.

Yesterday, NATO Allies activated our defence plans. And as a result, we are deploying elements of the NATO Response Force. On land, at sea, and in the air. To further strengthen our posture. And to respond quickly to any contingencyby NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the extraordinary virtual summit of NATO Heads of State and Government

 Putin's stupid strategy gave them the necessary pretext to obtain a consensus of European public opinion. 

Renaud Duterme lists the elements of this war between Ukraine with NATO and Russia that are found in all wars between imperialist powers as were the two world wars of the 20th century.

Ultimately, what we are witnessing is only a new confrontation between two imperialisms with, on the side of Russia, the same practices and dirty tricks as those practiced by the United States for more than a century now:

– Interference in the internal affairs of other countries. In addition to Ukraine and Georgia, Russia's support for Bashar al-Assad inevitably brings to mind the many dictatorships supported or even put in place by the United States in recent decades (Iran, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Haiti, former Zaire, Iraq, etc.)[3].

- Support for secessionist forces intended to destabilize countries and create “friendly” states. Here again, the Kremlin's policy has an air of deja vu, for example in Panama, a region amputated from Colombia in 1903 with the support of the United States to maintain control over the canal of the same name. Or in the Balkans, with the support for the independence of Kosovo in 2008, yet in violation of international law.

-Use of unofficial militias. There are countless cases in which the CIA dragged (assassinations of leaders, organization of coups d'etat, espionage, corruption, civil wars) on behalf of US interests[4]. It would seem that the Wagner militia has nothing to envy. This private Russian military company, unofficially in the pay of the Kremlin, is active in most of the fields of operations in which Russia plays a role. From Syria to Mali via the Central African Republic and Libya, Wagner is at the heart of security agreements ultimately intended to defend Russian interests in the countries concerned. source 


 Putin's war against the Ukrainians is increasingly looking like Putin's war against the Russians. 

War is used by the capitalists as a preventive means to prevent a revolution in the making. 

Jean Jaurès, assassinated on July 14, 1914 in Paris for opposing the war, declared that war was “ a tool in the conflict of social forces ”.


So let's turn Putin's counter-revolutionary strategy of waging war on Ukraine to develop chauvinism in Russia and suppress revolutionaries in Russia and Ukraine and turn this war between two capitalist imperialists, USA VS Russia into a revolution of the Formariat and small Formoisie against the bourgeoisie and the western and Russian high Formoisie. 

The Ukrainian and Russian populations must no longer passively submit; they must become the spearheads of the world revolution.

On August 25, 1915 at the Zimmerwald conference, a meeting of all internationalist socialists, Lenin gave the strategic orientation that would allow the greatest revolution of the 20th century to be won, which would end the war of 1914, the Russian revolution:

Imperialist war inaugurates the era of social revolution. All the objective conditions of the present epoch place the mass revolutionary struggle of the proletariat on the agenda. Socialists have the duty, without renouncing any of the means of legal struggle of the working class, to subordinate them all to this pressing and essential task, to develop the revolutionary consciousness of the workers, to unite them in the international revolutionary struggle, to support and to advance all revolutionary action, to seek to transform the imperialist war between the peoples into a civil war of the oppressed classes against their oppressors, into a war for the expropriation of the capitalist class, for the conquest of political power by the proletariat, for the realization of socialism  Written before August 20 (September 2), 1915  First published in 1930 in the Lenin Collection XIV

Lukacs summarizes Lenin's position on imperialist war:

 “War therefore does not create an absolutely new situation, neither for a country nor for a class within a nation. Its new contribution consists simply in transforming qualitatively the extraordinary quantitative intensification of all the problems and it is in this, and only by this, that it creates a new situation”. Lukacs G.>. Lenin, Paris, EDI1965, p. 82. 

It is therefore a question of bringing contradiction into contradiction by taking advantage of the fact that imperialist war accelerates the phenomenon of accumulation of the quantity of discontent that naturally exists to put an end to capitalism.

The accumulation of the quantity of discontent of the despoiled classes in any capitalist system which inevitably leads to a revolution and to a new system in favor of the poor acts as an accelerator in a war.

The real revolutionaries have never been pacifists demanding peace from the imperialists who don't give a damn about slogans that do not threaten them. True revolutionaries have as their objective the victory of the oppressed and despoiled, and therefore to give them power.

Otto Bauer in 1908 summed up the difference in position on the war between reformists and revolutionaries:

"Today, of course, in the critique of militarism, considerations other than those formulated by Friedrich Engels must be accounted for...If, under completely changed conditions, the struggle for peace is one of our tasks most importantly, this struggle can only be waged as part of our struggle against imperialism and not in the tearful style a la Suttner or Tolstoy which is ill suited to the party of implacable struggle, and in full awareness of the fact that war, which today is only a means of imperialist oppression, can once again become a means of proletarian liberation.” Heinrich Weber (pseudonym of Otto Bauer), “Nationale und Internationale Gesichtspunkte in der auswärtigen Politik”, Der Kampf, n°2, 1908-1909, p. 538

Converting war into revolution would therefore be if they still lived the message of Trotsky, Lenin, Rosa Luxembourg, Che Guevara, Thomas Sankara.

In March 2018 on the eve of the presidential elections in Russia, we wrote :

Elections présidentielles en Russie : la crainte de Poutine est une forte abstention. Il faut refaire les soviets de 1905 et 1917 en mieux !

Presidential elections in Russia: the fear of Putin is a strong abstention. We must redo the soviets of 1905 and 1917 better!

“There are two major trends in Russia.

On the one hand the pro Putin who prefer an anti-American who faces the pressures of

NATO than a Yeltsin who sells his country to the worst capitalists abroad and obeys the dictates of the IMF.
On the other, the abstentionists who no longer want this sham representation of the people.
Most of them are opposed to capitalism. And many are nostalgic for the USSR period, this era of Formes against Equalist dictatorship.
We must rebuild the USSR better.
For that, the Russians must take up the revolutionary traditions of the Soviets.
This tradition which allowed the Russians to put down feudalism and capitalism, which built a real working force, a real representation of the people.
This tradition was then swept away out of hand by Stalin.
She would have put forward the real Bolshevik revolutionaries and he didn't want that.
The Trotkists were the first victims of Stalinism!
Delegates from the Soviets represented quotas of 1 in 1,000.
"Citizens! The representatives of the workers, the soldiers and the population, assembled in the Duma, declare that the first meeting of your delegates will take place today at 7 o'clock in the evening in the Imperial Duma. That all the soldiers who have passed over to the side of the people choose their deputies without delay, at the rate of one per company. Let the factories choose their deputies in the proportion of one for 1000 workers. Factories with less than 1000 workers will also send a deputy." declaration of March 12, 1917 of the Provisional Executive Committee (CE
There should be smaller quotas with a hierarchy corresponding to the degree of responsibility of each delegate. A district delegate represents 25 people, an adviser delegate who sits on a town committee 625 people.


Civil servants will also be representatives of the people.

We need a new revolution in Russia. A humanocratic and equalist revolution.
Take back all the huge advances of the Bolsheviks of 1917 and avoid their mistakes so as not to let a new social class take power as was the case with Stalin representing the graduate class, Formoisia.

Four years later, as Putin plays into the hands of the NATO imperialists by responding to their war in Ukraine since 2014 with bombardments against the civilian population of Ukraine, the slogans Putin Get Out, NATO Get Out, Zelensky emerges are more topical than ever.
We must take up the biggest contribution of the Russian revolution, the soviets, integrate the contributions of Thomas Sankara 1983 with the CDRs, the Spanish POUMISTS of 1936 with their delegado de grupo 1 pour 25, the contributions of the Paris Commune concerning revocability officials not considered by Trotsky and Lenin in 1917.
We have synthesized these contributions and incorporated improvements. 
It is this humanocratic system that must be implemented in the Eurasia continent.

It is therefore necessary that 60 Million Russian delegates appoint 2.4 Million Basic Delegates #1 for 25 #AllThePowerToSoviets of revocable delegates

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